thom porterfield
thom knows media!
thom porterfield has 30+ years experience in advertising and marketing. he has lived and worked around the country holding major TV market leadership positions with Times Mirror, Cox Broadcasting, Cris Craft Broadcasting, Tribune Broadcasting and EW Scripps Broadcasting. He has also served as Director of Sales for Tribune’s Hartford Duopoly during the initial “Cross Media” platform launch as well as Station Manager/Director of Sales for EW Scripps in Las Vegas, NV.
In addition to his vast experience in advertising, Thom has served the broadcast community through his roles on the Television Bureau of Advertising (TVB) Executive Sales Advisory Board (Western Region) and as the Nevada Broadcasters Association Board Chair & President. In these roles he has had the opportunity to do presentations for and negotiations with both the Federal Communications Commission as well as Congressional leaders. thom is also a proud member of the Nevada Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame.